创建 Calendar Event

Date and time the event begins
Date and time the event ends
Advertising (image-format flier) or illustration for an event
Image files only; if you have a PDF or other text file, upload it as an attachment, below.
仅限 1 个文件。
大小限制 128 MB。
允许的类型:png gif jpg jpeg webp。

Organization(s) sponsoring the event, if in our list of organizations. This field links the event to your organization listing. Sponsors not in our list can be named in the event description.

Name of the event location (autocomplete)
Address of the event (if not at a named venue)
Text: If not a predefined venue, can type its name, and/or say what room within the location.
Select if event is available (also) online. URL if available should be in the "place" field.
Event type
Required: Overall classification of the event. May choose more than one.
Optional: A document with more information about the event (supplements the event image/flier, which is uploaded separately).
大小限制 80 MB。
允许的类型:txt pdf doc docx ppt pptx odf jpg jpeg gif png mp3 mp4。
Age Group
If an event is directed towards a particular age range, select one or more

Source category
Taxonomy term from feed source calendar

Optional category (autocompletes based on previous events)
Notation that an event has been canceled, postponed, or rescheduled|Notation that an event has been canceled, postponed, or rescheduled. If rescheduled, the event date can be revised or a new event can be created.
Name of the person submitting the event
Optional for logged-in users
Email address of the person submitting the event
Optional for logged-in users