Photography Atelier 38 | Artist Talk - Students of Jennifer McClure

Join the students of Jennifer McClure to discuss their end-of-year projects for the Photography Atelier class. The students here were part of our year long portfolio development program from Fall of 2023 to Spring 2024 and we are thrilled to see their work in the main gallery at Winchester.

The students will each give a brief presentation of their work on Zoom, and we will hold a brief audience Q&A at the end. Come hear about all they've accomplished!

Students of Jennifer McClure:

Donna Delone | Kym Ghee | Kay McCabe | Corinne Cobabe | Victor Rosansky | Becca Screnock | Li Shen | Carrie Usmar | Janice Weichman | Laura Wolf |

©Victor Rosansky

© Laura Wolf

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Place atelier 38 artist talk students of jennifer mcclure/
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Griffin Museum of Photography
Thu, 08/01/2024 - 00:20