Demo Class Week

Want to know what music classes are like at Winchester Community Music School? Free demos of many classes are being offered during the week of September 3-7. Come try a class and meet the teachers before fall semester begins on September 9. There's something for all ages!
Demo Class Schedule & Sign-Up
Plus, you can bring the whole family to our annual MusicFest Open House on Sunday, September 8, 2:00-4:00 PM. This free event features meet-the-instrument sessions, live demos, a scavenger hunt with prizes, and more!
If you wish to enroll in a class after attending a demo, please be sure to do so at least 48 hours prior to the following week's class. Class size is limited and registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Classes that have filled will be removed from the demo class schedule. All participants should be the appropriate age for the class as of 9/1/2024.

Start Date
End Date
Event type
Source Calendar
Winchester Community Music School
Sun, 09/01/2024 - 12:22