Solar Eclipse Pinhole Camera Party

We are SO excited about the upcoming Solar Eclipse! So much so we are working with the talented artist and educator Holly Worthington to have an afternoon eclipse party on our Griffin Rotary Terrace.

© Holly Worthington

Join us anytime on Monday April 8th between 12.30 - 4.30pm during the solar eclipse. Weather permitting, we will be setting up our cameras to record the transit of the eclipse, or join us to watch the eclipse safely! Learn about pinhole photography, make a long exposure and save this special event with your own photograph!

Participants will bring or make at the workshop, a pinhole camera to take an extra-long exposure (solargraph) of the solar eclipse over 2-3 hours.

Participants may also make a pinhole eclipse viewer using a box, a pinhole, and parchment paper to watch the eclipse safely. (Other examples of ways to view an eclipse with pinholes will be demonstrated, such as using a colander).

Guidance will also be given for how to save the latent image recorded on the photography paperinside the cameras. The paper cannot be processed normally, or the image will disappear. It isusually scanned (or photographed) under low light and inverted. Simple photoshop adjustmentscan make a faint image visible and colorful.

Participants should bring:Pre-made pinhole cameras (and tripods to fit) if they have them. You will be loading them withphoto paper to act as the negative.OrTo make a pinhole camera:An object we can make light tight and easily poke a hole in such as: An empty rinsed beverage can with the top circle of metal removed, A tea tin or cookie tin with its' lid. A cardboard box (smaller than a bread box) bonus if it has a lid.ANDTo make a pinhole viewing box to observe the eclipse, please bring a cardboard box close in size to a shoe box, Shoe Boxes, Small Amazon boxes, etc.

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Griffin Museum of Photography
Mon, 04/01/2024 - 15:22