Ash Wednesday Taizé

First Congregational Church offers a poignant and meditative Ash Wednesday service, featuring the ecumenical prayers and music of France's Taizé community. All denominations are welcome.

As Lent begins, please join us for this simple service - of Scripture, prayer, silence, meditative singing, and imposition of ashes - modeled after the rich and beautiful Taizé tradition. Our ministers will guide us in prayer and silence; voice, violin, cello, guitar, and keyboard will lead beautiful chants, as a reminder and celebration of God's love and forgiveness. This special tradition is a parable of reconciliation and community.

The service will include the imposition of ashes on the forehead or the back of the hand: Remember that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return. The ashes are prepared by burning palm leaves from the previous year's Palm Sunday celebrations. They are offered as a sign of humility and self-examination.

Start Date
End Date
Ripley Chapel at FCCW - 21 CHURCH ST

21 CHURCH Street
Winchester, MA 01890
United States

Event type
Source Calendar
Town of Winchester Community Calendar
Wed, 02/14/2024 - 12:32