Over 20 people

Mystic River Watershed Association

Our vision is a vibrant, healthy and resilient Mystic River watershed for the benefit of all our community members. To achieve this, the Mystic River Watershed Association is protecting water quality, restoring important habitat, building climate resilience, transforming parks and paths, and inspiring youth and community members. We use science, advocacy and education to ensure a vibrant, healthy and resilient environment for all plants, animals and people that call the watershed home.

Primary Sector

NAACP, Mystic Valley Area Branch

Local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), serving Arlington, Everett, Malden, Medford, Winchester, and Woburn. The mission of the NAACP is to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.

Primary Sector

Neighborhood Cooperative Nursery School

We offer classes for children ages 2.9 to 5+ years and cap our classes at 12 children. In addition, the Neighborhood Cooperative offers "Grow with Me," a program for children ages 24 - 36 months with a parent or caregiver.

We are a school of families, not just children, and all members learn and grow together within a supportive community. Parents assist in the classroom on a rotating basis, intimately sharing their children's first school experience.

Primary Sector

Network for Social Justice

The Network for Social Justice, formerly the Winchester Multicultural Network, has a mission to foster a movement for systemic change to advance equity and inclusion in the town of Winchester and beyond. Issues we support include School & Youth, Response & Advocacy, Community Education & Engagement, Immigrant Justice, and Indigenous People's Advocacy.

Primary Sector

Pan Mass Challenge

The Pan-Mass Challenge, presented by the Boston Red Sox Foundation, is the nation's original fundraising bike-a-thon, and today raises more money for charity than any other athletic fundraising event in the country. A model of fundraising efficiency, the PMC has donated 100 percent of every rider-raised dollar directly to cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute since 2007.

Primary Sector

Parish of the Epiphany

The Parish of the Epiphany is a welcoming Episcopal community. The warmth and fellowship found at Epiphany can serve as an inspiring touchstone in our busy lives, and a reminder that we are all stronger when our voices are lifted together in prayer. We invite you to join us on Sunday mornings at 8:00 am for a quiet service of Rite I Holy Eucharist, or at 10:00 am for a service of Rite II Holy Eucharist with music, childcare for infants and toddlers ages 0-3, and Church School for children ages preschool through grades 5.

Primary Sector

Rotary Club of Winchester

Winchester Rotary has three major Fundraising events, Golf Tournament, Pancake Breakfast and Chili Fest. All monies raised are returned to the community through grant requests and donations. In addition we participate in volunteer service events such as Mission of Deeds, Meals on Wheels, and Winchester Got Lunch.

Primary Sector
Other Sectors

Saint Eulalia Parish

St. Eulalia is one of two Roman Catholic parishes located in Winchester.

Saint Eulalia was born in Barcelona Spain near the end of the third century. The pagan Roman Governor Diocietianus-Maximianus seized her and brought her for trial. Under intensive interogation he gave her the option of denying that Jesus Christ was Lord or face death. This 13 year old girl was steadfast in her faith and accepted death to become Spain's first Christian Martyr. Her Martyrdom proved to be the spark which ignited the flame of Christianity that spread like wildfire throughout Spain.

Primary Sector