In order to make Platinum/Palladium or other Alt Process prints, you need to start with a negative the size of what you would like your finished image to be. Unless you use a large format camera, digital negatives are what you need to use. This two-session workshop will be virtual, and the instructor will go through each step from how to take your photographs off your camera or your phones, put them into photoshop, and start working on how to make a good negative to printing it out the final product. There will be plenty of time for questions in each session, so that you can get started on your own. Required materials: 1. One or more images that you are interested on working with 2. Photoshop will be discussed so that you can work in layers 3. An inkjet printer 4. Transparency film: You can buy pictorico - inkpress - almost any transparency film. Pictorico is expensive, inkpress is thin and sometimes hard to get to go into your printer. This film is cheap, but difficult to find on their website. (I think it may be the same as pictorico). Steps for ordering -Left sidebar, go to digital imaging, then Ultrafine Specialty inkjet media, then -Ultrafine Ultrascreen Clear Inkjet water proof transparency film for silk screen and internegs, -First one: 8.5 x 11 100 sheets = $27.95 Item # 372-85114 5. We can also discuss paper negatives using laser printers and regular copy paper along with wax or gel medium. Other film to buy - Fixxon transparency film for silk screening at Amazon:… Days & Dates: Thursday, March 20th and March 27th, 2025, online. Times: 6pm - 8pm, EST Level: All Fee: Member Price, $300 / Non-Member Price, $350 Maximum Students: Eight
Jill Enfield is a fine art photographer, author and educator who has accomplished international acclaim, in all three of these capacities, as a leading authority in Alternative Photographic Processes. In addition to expertise in current standard digital photo techniques for the last 10+ years, Enfield is also known for her instruction of hand coloring, wet plate collodion, and an array of other photo processes at Parsons The New School for Design, Fashion Institute of Photography, New York University, Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus, and the International Center of Photography in New York City as well as RISD. For years Jill has also appeared annually for workshops around the world including Cairo, Croatia, Edinburgh, Italy, Lisbon, London, Norway, and dozens of other cities around the globe as well as many cities in North America, including Anderson Ranch, Maine Media Workshops, Palm Beach Photo Workshops, Penland School of Crafts, and Santa Fe Photographic Photo Workshops.
As for her own photographs, Enfield's work is in the permanent collections of The Amon Carter Museum of Art, Bellagio Hotel, Bibliothque Nationale, The Boca Raton Museum of Art, Canyon Ranch Spa and Resort, The Crocker Art Museum, The Florida Senate, Hilton Hotels, Marriott Hotels, Southeastern Banks, The Toledo Museum of Art, and Museo de Arte Moderno de Medillin, Bogota and Cartagena, in Colombia, where her work was shown during a three month exhibition that traveled throughout the country including her personal engagements for lectures and openings. As for exhibitions, Enfield has been the subject of dozens of solo exhibits over the years, in galleries and museums around the world. Her work is also included in hundreds of group exhibitions
Jill's personal work has appeared in such publications as American Photo, Archive Books, Camera Arts, Camera & Darkroom Techniques, Digital Camera, Hasselblad's FORUM Magazine, Modern Photography, National Geographic, Nikon World, PDN, Photo Techniques, Popular Photography, Shutterbug, Step by Step and ZOOM.
Jill's first book on non-silver techniques titled Photo Imaging: A Complete Guide to Alternative Processes was published by Watson-Guptill, Amphoto in November 2002 and won the Golden Light Award for Best Technical Book of 2003 through the Maine Photographic Workshop. Her second book, Jill Enfield's Guide to Photographic Alternative Processes: Popular historical and Contemporary Techniques, was published by Focal Press in 2013, has already sold out and is currently being prepared for a third printing. To learn more about Jill Enfield click here