WLVW Select Board Candidates Forum

The Winchester annual town election will be on March 22, 2025; all precincts vote at Winchester High School. The Winchester League will hold candidate forums for all town wide offices with more candidates than open seats. A forum for the Select Board will be held on Wednesday, March 5th and a forum for the School Committee on Thursday, March 6. More information, including candidate statements, can be found on the WLWV website

Select Board Candidates (2 openings for a 3-year term): Paras Bhayani, Anthea Brady (Incumbent), Dorothy Simboli, Richard Welch, Jr.

Before the event, you can also meet your Town Meeting Representative Candidates.

A special thanks to the Cummings Foundation for their grant to the Jenks Center to host this event.

Start Date
End Date
Cummings Room

109 Skillings Road
Winchester, MA 01890
United States

Event type