Town of Winchester Boards and Committees

The latest and most accurate information about these bodies is on the Town of Winchester website. The links under the titles in this table refer to the specific listing on that site.

Title Composition and Description Elected/Appointed Appointing authority Number of members Term expiration Term length Legal Basis
Affordable Housing Trust Committee

Authorized by Town Meeting in Spring 2019 with a mandate to “provide for the preservation and creation of affordable housing in the Town of Winchester for the benefit of low and moderate income households.” Adopted mission is "to support and sustain an inclusive and socioeconomically diverse community consistent with the policy objectives of the most recent Winchester Housing Production Plan through investment, education, and advocacy."

Town Manager; one Select Board; one appointed by the Winchester Housing Partnership, 2-6 Citizens.
Select Board 9 04/30 3yrs
Archives Advisory Committee

Advises the Archivist and assists with the Archival Center, repository of the town's historical documents.

3 citizens; Town Clerk, Town Archivist.
Appointed Town Manager 5 03/31 3yrs
Audit Advisory Committee

Assists the Select Board in their oversight of the annual financial audit.

2 Select Board; 3 Citizens; Town Manager Designee; Comptroller; Treasurer; School Committee Rep.
Appointed Select Board 9 08/01 3yrs
Board of Appeals

The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) hears and decides applications for special permits, petitions for variances from the terms of the zoning bylaws, site plan approvals as mandated by the zoning ordinance, and appeals from decisions of the zoning enforcement officer (building commissioner).

Appointed Select Board 3 (3 alt.) 03/31 3yrs
Board of Assessors

The Assessors annually make a valuation of all property, both real and personal, with the Town and compute the tax rate for each year. 

Elected 3 03/31 3yrs
Board of Health

The Board of Health is responsible for the formulation and enforcement of rules and regulations affecting the environment and public health. The Board appoints the Director of the Health Department as its ‘Agent’. The Director of Public Health ensures compliance with State public health mandates and implements policies set by the Board 

Elected 3 03/31 3yrs
Board of Library Trustees

Has the custody and management of the library and of all property of the town related thereto.

Elected 5 03/31 3yrs
Board of Registrars of Voters

In addition to registering all voters, the registrars verify all signatures on nomination papers or petitions.

Appointed Select Board 4 03/31 3yrs
Cable Advisory Committee

Advises the Select Board about cable television services and contract issues.

9 Citizens; 1 School Committee representative.
Appointed Select Board 10 09/30 3yrs
Capital Planning Committee

This committee annually assists the town manager in the preparation of a capital improvement program. It makes recommendations on the capital expenditure requests from town boards and departments to the Select Board and the Finance Committee. The capital program and recommendations become an integral part of the Finance Committee’s budget report to Town Meeting.

3 Select Board; 1 Planning Board; 1 School Committee representative; 1 Finance Committee; 1 Finance Committee representative.
Appointed Select Board 7 01/01 3yrs
Climate Action Advisory Committee

The purpose of the CAAC is to advise and assist the Select Board in the ongoing development and implementation of the Town of Winchester 2020 Climate Action Plan.

2 Select Board; 1 Energy Management Committee; 1 Planning Board; 2 Mod; 1 School Committee Rep.; 1 Cool Winchester; 1 Chamber of Commerce; 1 Faith Community.
Appointed Select Board 9 08/31 3yrs
Commissioners of Trust Funds

The commissioners manage all trust funds given or bequeathed for the benefit of the town or its inhabitants, unless the donor has otherwise provided.

Appointed Select Board 3 03/31 3yrs
Committee on Community preservation

The Committee studies the needs, possibilities, and resources of the town regarding community preservation. As part of its study, the Committee holds at least one public informational hearings on the needs, possibilities, and resources of the town regarding community preservation possibilities and resources.

The Committee makes recommendations to Town Meeting for the acquisition, creation and preservation of open space; for the acquisition, preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of historic resources; for the acquisition, creation, preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of land for recreational use; for the acquisition, creation, preservation and support of community housing; and for the rehabilitation or restoration of open space and community housing that is acquired or created with Community Preservation Funds.

This committee is the successor of a committee established by the Select Board to support town-wide adoption of the Community Preservation Act. Further resources on the Community Preservation Act can be found online at the Community Preservation Coalition website

Nine (9) voting members pursuant to MGL Chapter 44B, including a resident designated by the Select Board and a resident designated by the Finance Committee, neither of which holds elected or appointed office or serves as a Town employee; and one member of each of the Conservation Commission; the Historical Commission; the Field Management Committee; the Winchester Housing Authority; the Planning Board; the Housing Partnership Board or Affordable Housing Trust (designated by the Select Board); and the Capital Planning Committee.

The Town Manager or their designee shall be an ex officio, non-voting member of the Committee.
Appointed Select Board 9 3yrs
Committee on Government Regulations

A standing committee of the Town Meeting, the committee reviews and recommends revisions to the bylaws as needed (every 10 years in any case) and reviews and reports on all warrant articles that would, if adopted, affect the bylaws or charter of the town.

1 from each Precinct.
Appointed Town Meeting 8 04/28 3yrs
Committee on Names

The committee evaluates suggestions for the naming of public places and structures (except street names).

1 Select Board; 1 Planning Board; 1 School Committee; 2 Voters.
Appointed Select Board 5 03/31 1 yr
Committee on Rules

A standing committee of the Town Meeting, this committee provides continuing oversight of the business, conduct, and procedures of the Town Meeting, proposing changes as it is deems necessary.

Appointed Town Meeting 8 04/28 3yrs
Conservation Commission

The commission has responsibility for the preservation of open space and implementation of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Winchester Wetlands Bylaw. It holds public hearing on projects that are in or near wetland resource areas.

Appointed Town Manager 7 03/31 3yrs

Assists in serving official documents from the Town of Winchester. Additionally may serve to deliver official court documents on civil issues. May be non resident of Winchester. 

Appointed Select Board 3 11/30 3yrs
Council on Aging

Mandated by the State Executive Office of Elder Affairs and the Federal Administration on Aging, the council’s duties are:

  • To design services in response to these needs and resources such as social and health services, financial and legal consultation, transportation, and educational programs
  • To educate the community and enlist its support in implementing the council’s programs
  • To total needs and resources of the town’s elderly population


Appointed Select Board 11 03/31 3yrs
Cultural Council

Formerly the Winchester Arts Council, the Cultural Council establishes guidelines for the local use of arts lottery funds, determines if applications comply with those guidelines and, and awards funds. Must be town resident; cannot serve more than 2 consecutive terms.

Appointed Select Board 9 07/31 3yrs
Davidson Park Working Committee


Appointed Town Meeting 14 8yrs
Design Review Committee

Provides design review services to Town boards, committees or departments, including the Zoning Board, Planning Board, Engineering Department, and the Select Board. The Committee reviews and advises on site improvements, visual design, and façade changes within the town. It makes recommendations on all sign permit applications transmitted to the Building Department; or sign applications requiring a variance from the ZBA. It assists the Department of Public Works in the implementation of visual improvements when requested by the Select Board.

2 SB; 2 Mod; 3 PB.
Appointed Select Board 7 12/31 3yrs
Disability Access Commission

The Disability Access Commission's mission is to protect the rights and facilitate the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of community life within Winchester. 

Majority of members shall consist of people with disabilities; 1 member may be from a family with member with disabilities.
Appointed Town Manager 9 08/31 3yrs
Educational Facilities Planning & Building Committee

The Educational Facilities Planning and Building Committee is charged with the preparation and periodic adjustment of the School Facilities Master Plan (PDF). It makes recommendations for each building and oversees design and construction.

Membership includes 1 registered architect, 1 registered engineer, and the Superintendent of Schools. The architect and engineer are appointed jointly by the Select Board and School Committee, 1 appointed by each of the Select Board and School Committee, 5 by the town moderator, and 1 by the Finance Committee.
Appointed Select Board 12 03/01 3yrs
Energy Management Committee

Charged by the Select Board with advising and assisting the Town of Winchester in the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy related cost-saving measures for municipal buildings, facilities, and infrastructure.

4 SB; 1 SC Rep; 1 CPC; 1 FC Rep; 1 EFPBC Rep; 1 EMC Staff; 2 DPW Staff.
Appointed Select Board 11 12/31
Field Management Committee

The committee reviews and oversees the use and maintenance of the play fields, makes recommendations for improvements to the fields and recreational green space, reviews scheduling of events, and makes recommendations to the Recreation Department on issuing field use permits.

1 citizen appointed by the School Committee, 1 citizen appointed by the Select Board, the Department of Public Works director or designee, the High school athletic director, the Recreation director, and the Town engineer.
Appointed Select Board 9 07/01 4yrs
Finance Committee

The Finance Committee must recommend a balanced budget at Spring town Meeting (projected expenditures must not exceed projected revenues).

15 residents appointed by the Chair of the Select Board, the Chair of the Finance Committee, and the Town Moderator.
Appointed Moderator 15 06/30 3yrs
Greenway Initiative Committee

The purpose of the Greenway Initiative Committee is analyzing, establishing, planning, and distributing grant funds to create a bike path system in the Town of Winchester.

1 Planning Board; 1 Conservation Commission; 6 others.
Appointed Select Board 8 03/01 3yrs
Heritage District Commission

The Commission implements the Winchester Heritage Districts Bylaw, which primarily involves review of projects in the Rangeley Heritage District.

4 Planning Board; 3 Residents of the District.
Appointed Town Meeting 7 07/15 3yrs
Historical Commission

The mission of the commission is the preservation, protection, and development of our town’s historical or archeological assets, and the establishment of protective measures of these assets for future generations.

Appointed Select Board 7 03/01 3yrs
Housing Authority

The Winchester Housing Authority (WHA) is authorized to manage the construction, financing, maintenance, and rental policies of low-cost housing for low-income families and the elderly. It reports to the state and federal governments concerning their respective programs. The WHA owns and operates 112 Ch. 689 public housing units for senior citizens and 9 units of chapter 705 state-aided housing for families, and it administers 143 Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

1 Governor Appt. - 4 Elected
Elected 5 03/31 5yrs
Housing Partnership Board

The board recommends overall strategies and specific proposals for the development of affordable housing and applications for, and allocation of, federal and state housing development subsidies and grants, and it reviews and makes recommendations on the inclusion of affordable housing in proposals for privately financed multiple-unit developments.

The board is made up of 13 members including 6 voters who hold no other town office, plus 1 member from each of the Select Board, Conservation Commission, Council on Aging, Housing Authority, Planning Board, Disability Access Commission, and School Committee.
Appointed Moderator 13 11/30 3yrs
Justice of the Peace

State Appointee

Appointed Governor 6 12/31 7yrs
Local Historic District Study Committee

The Select Board appointed a Local Historic District Study Committee in 2021 to examine the interest in creating a Local Historic District (LHD) in Winchester. Local historic districts are a state designation through MGL Chapter 40C. It is a local bylaw that defines a local historic district so that before any exterior architectural feature that is visible from a public way is altered it must first be reviewed and approved by a local historic district commission. This process is in place so that unnecessary demolitions can be prevented and new construction or alterations can be reviewed.

1HC; 1 PB; 1DPW Facilities Manager; 1 LB; 3 SB
Appointed Select Board 7 3yrs
Middlesex Canal Commission

The Middlesex Canal Commission was established by the Massachusetts legislature to promote the restoration and public use of the Middlesex Canal. The Commission has representatives from each of the towns that the Canal traversed. Over 150 years after the canal closed several remnants are still visible in Winchester.

Appointed Town Manager 5 07/01 4yrs
Moderator-1 Member


Elected Elected 1 03/31 1 yr
N.E. Reg. Vocational School

Town Engineer

Elected Elected 1 11/21 3yrs
North Suburban Planning Council

Regional Committee

Appointed Appoint Appointed 1
Permanent Street Tree Committee

An advisory committee to assist the town in the planning, funding, and implementation of street-tree planting and maintenance. The committee advocates for street trees in the town; provides policy recommendations to the Select Board, Planning Board, and Capital Planning Committee; and assists in the annual determination of funding from the Peter Van Aken Permanent Street Tree Fund.

1 PB; 1 CC; 1 TFC; 1 DRC; 1 DPW Rep; Town Planner; 1 SB
Appointed Select Board 7 07/31 3yrs
Personnel Board

The board acts as a central authority for personnel conditions, wage and salary adjustments, and job classification. It assists in the coordination of collective bargaining activities with all the organized groups, except the school staff. It reports on warrant articles involving personnel matters.

The board is made up of 7 members who hold no other town office. Members are selected by an appointing committee consisting of the Town Moderator and Chairmen of the Board of Selectmen and School Committee.
Appointed 7 06/30 3yrs
Planning Board

The Planning Board is responsible for administering the Subdivision Control Law, drafting zoning bylaw revisions, undertaking planning studies within the town, and revising and updating the town's comprehensive master plan. The Planning Board also makes recommendations to the Winchester Zoning Board of Appeals on petitions before the Zoning Board of Appeals for consideration of zoning relief.

The Board reports annually to the town, giving information regarding the condition of the town and any plans or proposals known to it.

Elected 5 03/27 3yrs
Retiree Health Insurance Advisory Committee

2 MOD; 1 Active Emp; 1 Resident; 1 SB; 1 FC; 1 PER

Appointed Town Meeting 7 3yrs
Retirement Board

The Retirement Board administers the Town of Winchester employee retirement system in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and provides information on the rights, benefits, and regulations regarding retirement to all covered current and former employees of the Town of Winchester.

One member is appointed by the Select Board; 2 are elected by the employees; 1 member is the Comptroller and 1 member is chosen by the 4 members.
Appointed 5 07/31 3yrs
School Committee

Annual Town Election

Elected Elected 5 03/31 3yrs
Select Board

Annual Town Election

Elected Elected 5 03/31 3yrs
Senior Citizen Tax Committee

Administers a special taxation fund to assist low-income elderly and disabled persons to meet their property tax obligations. 

Chair Assessor; 1 Treasurer; 3 SB.
Appointed Select Board 5 03/31 3yrs
Town Forest Committee

3 SB

Appointed Select Board 3 03/31 3yrs
Town Meeting

Annual Town Election

Elected TMM Elected 192 03/31 3yrs
Town Meeting - Clerks

Spring Town Meeting

Appointed Town Meeting 8 04/29 3yrs
Town Meeting Chairs

Spring Town Meeting

Appointed Town Meeting 8 04/29 3yrs
Traffic and Transportation Advisory Committee

The Traffic and Transportation Committee (TTAC) advises the Select Board and Town Manager about Winchester’s interdepartmental Traffic and Transportation Program. The Program aims to steadily improve Winchester’s transportation facilities, operations, and services for all users and all modes of travel so that even the most vulnerable users can move throughout town more safely, comfortably, and expeditiously, year-round.

SB; TM; MOD; Chairs of PB; SC; FC; CPC
Appointed Select Board 11 03/31 3yrs
Veteran's Memorial Committee


Appointed Select Board 9 N/A
Wildwood Cemetery Advisory Committee

This committee advises the cemetery commissioners (who are also the Board of Selectmen) on the condition of Wildwood Cemetery and makes recommendations with respect to its care and maintenance.

Appointed Select Board 5 05/31 3yrs
Winchester Community Access and Media, Inc.

Operates a community television studio for public, educational and municipal access, and provides the residents, students and organizations
of Winchester with training in the use of community television facilities, channels.and related media and technology, so as to enhance community information and communication.

2 SB; 1 SC; 6 WinCam
Appointed Select Board 9 11/30 3yrs
Wright-Locke Farm Conservancy Board

The committee manages, operates and stewards certain land, buildings, assets and resources sited on and constituting Wright-Locke Farm.

Members are appointed by the Moderator, Select Board, and Wright-Locke Farm Conservancy Board. (2 SB; 1 FC; 1 COA; 1 CC; 1 HC; 5 MOD)
Appointed 11 07/30 3yrs