Reports, photos, and videos of the event
- http://www.wmcn.org/civic-gathering-6-connecting-anew-for-a-caring-and-inclusive-community/
- http://winchester.wickedlocal.com/news/20181018/winchester-welcomes-new-town-manager-and-her-seven-week-old-baby
Publicity for the meeting
Join us and your fellow Winchester residents for the sixth in a series of town-wide Civic Gatherings on Wednesday, October 17, 7–9 p.m., at the Jenks Center, 109 Skillings Road. The event will feature Outgoing Town Manager Richard Howard, incoming Town Manager Lisa Wong, Phillip Beltz, Director of the Council on Aging, and Judith Evans, Superintendent of Schools, together with many others.
Civic Gathering #6: Connecting Anew for a Caring and Inclusive Community welcomes all who live, work, and worship in Winchester to come together on Wednesday, October 17, at the Jenks Center, 109 Skillings Road, from 7 to 9 p.m.
Whether you have participated in all, one, or none of the prior civic gatherings, the Town Common Task Force (TCTF) invites you to bring your voice to this ongoing civic conversation.
Start of Meeting
We will start the evening with a brief presentation on the state of our Winchester community as we move into autumn’s new school year, new year of volunteer activities, and new town leadership.
Outgoing Town Manager Richard Howard will share perceptions of successes achieved and challenges pending. Incoming Town Manager Lisa Wong, assuming office on November 1, will also be present, listening and learning about the richness of perspectives, experiences, and volunteerism that shape our increasingly diverse community.
Then we will hear news of our oldest to youngest from Phillip Beltz, Director of the Council on Aging, and Judith Evans, Superintendent of Schools. Nancy Schrock, Archives Advisory Committee Chair, will explain the unique opportunity "Mass Memories" will bring to Winchester on October 20.
Our Civic Gathering tradition will continue with less formal space for volunteer residents’ groups to share aspirations and activities as they work to foster civic engagement and collaboration. Moderating our evening together will be Samantha Allison, former chair and member of the Finance Committee, and Caren Connelly, Director of the Winchester Foundation for Educational Excellence (WFEE).
Brief Intermission
During a brief intermission, participants can pick up cups of the vegetarian food koshari, often called Egypt’s national dish, provided by Koshari Mama Catering.
Participants will have the unique opportunity for casual, one-on-one dialogue and networking. Each person can find a topic that resonates and has relevance. Sit, for example, with local leaders, such as Fire and Police Department Chiefs and School Committee members, and with residents active in enhancing Winchester’s environmental health and cultural life.